Schneider & Gilmour (2023) featured on the cover of the March 2023 issue of the American Journal of Human Biology (Volume 35, Issue 3).
* student co-authors & contributors
Books & Book Chapters
Hirst, C.S., Gilmour, R.J., Plomp, K.A., Alves Cardoso, F. (Eds.). (2023). Behaviour in Our Bones: How Human Behaviour Influences Skeletal Morphology. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gilmour, R.J., Mansukoski, L., & Schrader, S.A. (2023) Skeletal Adaptations to Immobility & Impairment: Injury, Disease, & Recovery. Behaviour in Our Bones, Eds. Hirst, C., Gilmour, R.J., Plomp, K.A., Alves Cardoso, F. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Plomp, K. A., Gilmour, R. J., & Alves Cardoso, F. (2023). Skeletons in Action: Inferring Behaviour from our Bones. In submission for Behaviour in Our Bones, Eds. Hirst, C., Gilmour, R.J., Plomp, K.A., Alves Cardoso, F. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gilmour, R. J., Plomp, K. A., & Alves Cardoso, F. (2023). Acting on What We Have Learned and Moving Forward with Skeletal Behaviour. In submission for Behaviour in Our Bones, Eds. Hirst, C., Gilmour, R.J., Plomp, K.A., Alves Cardoso, F. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gilmour, R.J. (2020). Articulating MNI in the Cranium. EXPLORATIONS: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology: Lab Manual. Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, Kelsie Aguilera, Lara Braff (Eds.). Creative Commons License CC BY-NC.
Gilmour, R.J. (2020). Roll-Up, Life-Sized Juvenile Age Estimation. EXPLORATIONS: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology: Lab Manual. Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, Kelsie Aguilera, Lara Braff (Eds.). Creative Commons License CC BY-NC.
Refereed Publications
Schneider, M.A.* & Gilmour, R.J. (2023). Exploring radiogrammetry beyond the second metacarpal: Using the third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals to quantify cortical bone. American Journal of Human Biology.
Gilmour, R.J. & Plomp, K. A. (2022). The changing shape of palaeopathology: The contribution of skeletal shape analyses to investigations of pathological conditions. Yearbook of Biological Anthropology. 1-30. (Open Access)
Battles, H.T. & Gilmour, R.J. (2021). Beyond Mortality: Survivors of Epidemic Infections and the Bioarchaeology of Impairment and Disability. Bioarchaeology International. (Open Access)
Gilmour, R. J., Brickley, M. B., Hoogland, M., Jurriaans, E., Mays, S., & Prowse, T. L. (2021). Quantifying cortical bone in fragmentary archeological second metacarpals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Jurriaans, E., Prowse T. (2019). Maintaining Mobility after Fracture: A Biomechanical Analysis of Fracture Consequences at the Roman Sites of Ancaster (UK) and Vagnari (Italy). International Journal of Palaeopathology, 24:119-129.
Gilmour, R.J., Gowland, R., Roberts, C.A., Bernert, Zs., Kiss, K.K., Lassanyi, G. (2015). Gendered Differences in Accidental Trauma to Upper and Lower Limb Bones at Aquincum, Roman Hungary. International Journal of Paleopathology, 11:75-91.
Workshops Organized
2018 Reading the Bones, the Nexus of Anthropology, Forensics, and Pathology. Workshop designed and delivered for the Regional Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (November 10th). Program Download.
Organizer: Gilmour, R.J. in collaboration with the Department of Anatomy, McMaster University and Jay Maxwell (Forensic Pathologist, Hamilton General Hospital).
Panels Organized
2018 All the Ways We Move: Bioanthropological Perspectives on Movement. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario (October 31-November 3, 2018). Organizers: Cameron, M. & Gilmour, R.J.
Selected Papers Presented
* student co-authors & contributors
2023 Gilmour, R.J., Cicalo, V.*, Igl, R., Pollhammer, E. A Probable Case of Metastatic Cancer in Roman Austria: Exploring Ancient Health, Lifestyle, and Activity. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Meeting (October 26-30), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. View Poster pdf.
2022 Schenider, M.*, Gilmour, R.J. Continued cortical bone appositional growth after metacarpal fusion: a longitudinal comparison of adolescent and young adult hand-wrist radiographs. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Meeting (October 26-29), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. View Poster pdf.
2022 Brent, K.E.*, Chizmeshya, S-Q.*, Gilmour, R.J. Assistive devices and relational autonomy: Reconceptualizing palaeopathological experiences of impairment. Palaeopathology Association Annual Meeting [Virtual] (March 21-23, 2022). View Poster pdf.
2021 Gilmour, R.J., Gamble, J. Bones at Home: Teaching and Learning Human Osteology through ‘Living Room Labs’. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology (October 27-30, 2021), Hamilton, Ontario. View Poster pdf.
2020 Brent, K.*, Chizmeshya, S.-Q.*, Gilmour, R.J. Building on the Bioarchaeology of Care: Suggestions from the Case of Khuyankh. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology (November 4-6th, 2020), Virtual Annual Meeting.
2018 Gilmour, R.J., Cameron, M. Movers and shakers: Integrating Innovative Perspectives on Movement in Biological Anthropology. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Meeting (October 31-November 3), London, Ontario, Canada.
2018 Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Jurriaans, E., Prowse T. Maintaining Mobility after Fracture: A Biomechanical Analysis of Fracture Consequences at the Roman Sites of Ancaster (UK) and Vagnari (Italy). Paper presented at the Palaeopathology Association Meeting (April 9-11), Austin, Texas.
2017 Gilmour, R.J., Prowse T., Jurriaans, E., Brickley, M. Roving Romans: Biomechanical and Fracture Evidence for Sex-Related, Intensified Mobility at Vagnari, Italy. Paper presented at the American Association of Physical Anthropology meeting (April 19-22), New Orleans, Louisiana.
2017 Gilmour, R.J., Prowse T., Jurriaans, E., Brickley, M. Don't Judge A Bone by Its Cover: Investigating Long-Term Consequences of Extremity Trauma in Palaeopathology. Paper presented at the Palaeopathology Association meeting (April 18-19), New Orleans, Louisiana.
2017 Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Jurriaans, E., Prowse T. Well-Trodden Roads: Skeletal Evidence for Sex-Related Mobility at the Roman Site of Vagnari, Italy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (January 5-8), Toronto, Ontario.
2016 Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Jurriaans, E., Prowse T. Greater Levels of Habitual Activity Produce Lower Risk for Dysfunction Following Fracture: Evidence from Two Roman Communities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting for The Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology (October 26-29), Peterborough, Ontario.
2016 Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Jurriaans, E., Prowse T. A New Method to Assess Bone Loss in Radiographs of Fragmentary Second Metacarpals. Poster presented at the Palaeopathology Association meeting (April 12-13), Atlanta, Georgia. View Poster pdf.
2013 Gilmour, R.J., Brickley, M., Prowse, T. Functional Impairment and Physical Stress in the Past: How Physiotherapy Ideologies Can Contribute to Bioarchaeological Interpretations. Poster presented at the American Association of Physical Anthropology meeting (April 9-13), Knoxville, Tennessee.
2012 Gilmour, R.J., Long-Term Consequences of Healed Fractures: A Preliminary Analysis of Bilateral Asymmetry in Roman Civilians. Poster presented at the North American Palaeopathology Association meeting (April 9-11), Portland, Oregon.
2010 Gilmour, R.J., Broken Romans. Paper presented at the European Palaeopathology Association meeting (August 23-26), Vienna, Austria.
Conference Presentations
Lockau, L., Gilmour, R.J., Menard, J-P., Narayanaswamy, B., Dragomir, A-M., Mant, M., Watamaniuk, L., Brickley, M., (2015). “Buck and Ball”: Identification and Interpretation of Buckshot Injuries to the Pelvis from the War of 1812. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6:424-433.
Lockau, L., Dragomir, A.M., Gilmour, R., Mant, M., & Brickley, M. (2013). Bioarchaeological investigation of sharp force injuries to the ribs and lower leg from the battle of Stoney Creek in the War of 1812. Anthropological Science, 121: 217-227.
Gilmour, R.J., & Skinner, M.F. (2012). Forensic Scatology: Preliminary Experimental Study of the Preparation and Potential for Identification of Captive Carnivore Scat. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57: 160-165.